October 13th, 2008
Greetings from Rum Cay,Bahamas and Relentless Sportfishing.
It has been a while since my last report. To long. And it is because we have not been fishing since the middle of July, that is until last week when long time visitor to Rum Cay and the Relentless Dana Murphy made the trek to come fishing. And he hit it at a great time. Our very infrequent fishing trips during the fall only gave us the slightest idea of what to expect.

Our first day out we did not have to wait long before Dana was hooked up to a small blue marlin which he dispatched very quickly. After tagging and relealing the estimated 100lb. blue marlin we hooked up to another blue but jumped him off. But it wasn't long before the reel screamed with what turned out to be a 78lb. wahoo. By all reports and our experience the fall has been a good time to fish for big wahoos. The action stayed steady and we caught an additional 2 wahoos over 50lbs and a dolphin before coming in to call it day. The following day picked up were we left off except the wahoo bite was even better. We had several wahoos over 50lbs along with 2 yellowfin tunas and a couple of dolphin. Sushi and tuna tataki prepared by LaRue were on the menu and needless to say were excellent. The boy has talent.
Day three was again a repeat with the wahoo providing the majority of the action. 5 wahoo,1 yellowfin and a couple of 'sabre tooth trout' filled the fish box to overflowing. Worn out and happy we returned to the dock and yet another gourmet meal. Our last day was a short one but we still had more than enough fish to again fill the box. And Dana caught an 87lb. wahoo to finish off the trip. Sadly we said good by to Dana but we are lookng forward to his return, hopefully in the near future.
As is the case after a trip LaRue and I ran to San Salvador to fuel up and decided to fish our way home. Again the fish cooperated and we caught 4 wahoos on the way home.A fine 'bussmans' holiday.
So for all of you wondering where to fish in the fall, it's here. We are ready and waiting as are the fish so see you soon! So until my next report...
Tight lines,
Captain Ross 'Flash' Clark
July 11th, 2008
Hello from Rum Cay and Relentless Sportfishing. We have
a few days off after our last friends left and I finally
got down to writing the 'fishing stories'.
Right after Joe Hurwitz and his gang left, friends and frequent
Rum Cay fishermen from my hometown of Savannah Georgia arrived
to great weather. Stan 'The Man' Strickland and his two
sons, Tim 'BC Boy' and Rhett 'Lucky' Strickland, along with
Lou 'Blue Lou' and Glover 'The Lover' Manning brought their
good luck along with those damn good Georgia shrimp. Our
first day the birdshow was on and Tim caught his first blue
marlin and a 110lb. yellowfin tuna. Not to be left out Rhett
got on the board with a blue marlin. Glover and Stan participated
catching wahoo and tuna but they left the marlin to the
boys. And as good as the fishing was the food prepared by
Lou and Stan almost overshadowed the action on the water.
From shrimp to conch fritters and cracked conch to fried
wahoo the dinners 'rocked the house'. The trip sadly came
to an end but we had released 3 marlin in the final count.

Our next guests were first timers to Rum Cay
and the Relentless. Craig Firing and Kevin Thomas kept the
marlin count up beginning the first day out. Craig released
an estimated 200lb. blue marlin in the afternoon of day
1 and then Kevin was up to bat. The next day we hooked up
to a nice blue and unfortunately after a long fight we pulled
the hook. Day 2 had Craig releasing another marlin and late
in the day the birds showed up on the Northeast Point of
Rum and we caught a nice yellowfin tuna for dinner. For
the trip we ended up 3 for 5 on marlin and once again had
made new friends.
Our next guests, well what can I say other than my old friends
Susan and Randy Ward finally made it to Rum Cay. Randy,
Susan and I have been fishing together for over 15 years
in Costa Rica and Guatemala and it was great to see them
in Rum Cay. And as in the past we caught 'em up. Randy released
3 blue marlin with the opening salvo being a 400lb.+ fish
that put on a great aireal show at the boat. He followed
up the next day releasing 2 marlin to put the finishing
touch on a great reunion.
This has been a particularly good season of fishing and
fun but it's not over yet. So until my next report, thanks
again to everyone who made the trip over and we are looking
forward to your return. Until later..
Tight lines,
Captain Ross 'Flash' Clark
June 21st, 2008
Hello from Rum Cay and Relentless Sportfishing. Again it
has been awhile since my last report but with good reason,
back to back charters and good fishing have kept us busy.
Memorial Day weekend saw first time Relentless guests Robert
'Barracuda Bob' Winfield, Adam 'City Boy' Winfield, Greg
'Doctor Feelgood' Zwack and Mike Nestico arrive with good
luck and good weather. A combination of fishing, snorkeling
and traveling kept interest and anticipation high. After
fishing and snorkeling around Rum Cay for a couple of days,
Mike suggested we do an overnight trip to Crooked Island
to change things up. A good move! We left Rum Cay early
and ran to Bird Rock putting lines in around 10:30 in the
morning. Fishing until around 5 we caught a wahoo and a
dolphin. The next day we left the anchorage at 6:30 with
Greg and Mike while Bob and Adam stayed in to explore a
little. We did not have to wait long before we raised a
blue marlin and things picked up from there. By 11:00 we
had raised 5 marlin, had 3 bites and released one. A good
bird show led us to the yellowfin tunas and Mike and Greg
sacked 'em up putting 5 40-50lb. tunas in the box. As tough
as it wasto do, we left the bite to run in and pick up the
Winfield team. Again we found the birds and both Adam and
Bob caught with 'Barracuda Bob' catching the big one for
the day. We eventually had to leave the fish biting and
returned to Rum for a fine tuna dinner.
Ed and Gerrie DeMaria along with their good friends Dave
and Jeanne Cvetas arrived in Rum Cay next to test the waters.
While fishing was a little slow Ed did release a blue marlin
and we chipped away at the tunas and dolphin over their
4 day stay. Even with a temporary slowdown in fishing we
all had a great time and , as is the case with charter fishing,
friendships we forged. Both Bobby and I were a little sad
to see this group leave but we are looking forward to their
next trip.
After a one day reprieve our old friends and frequent guests
Joe Hurwitz, Tom 'Batman' Terril and Ed Curtis returned.
Additionally they brought their friend, and first timer
to Rum Cay, Mikey Finch. After picking up these guys in
the afternoon from San Salvador we ran back towards Rum
Cay and threw the lines in. With only a few minutes left
to fish Ed Curtis hooks up to a nice blue marlin that put
on a great show and fight. After over an hour and a half
Ed caught his first blue marlin! Not to be left out the
next day Mickey Finch repeated this feat and released his
first blue marlin. Tunas and dolphin came over the side
and the good times rolled. Great tuna dinners, blue marlin
and good friends. Does it get any better? This is this gangs
fourth trip to Rum and we are looking forwar the their next
I would like to say thanks to everyone who has made the
trip to fish with us. One of the great things about charter
fishing is meeting and making new friends and this year
has been exceptional in that department. So until my next
report, good luck fishing.
Captain Ross 'Flash' Clark
May 27th, 2008Greetings from Rum Cay.... Finally, after a trip
to the states with the Relentless for our annual maintenance/haulout/provision
trip, we returned to the island and started our blue marlin
season. And our first guests of the season were not dissappointed.
New friends and first timers to the Relentless, Tim Jubach
and his sons Chris and Tim Jr. along with Faryt'Pepine'Kalhil
arrived to great weather and a good blue marlin bite.
On our first day things began slow, we caught a dolphin
in the 20lb. class and a couple of cudas in the morning
but the afternoon heated up with billfish bites. All of
the Jubach clan released marlin with Chris tagging and releasing
a white marlin and Tim Sr and Tim Jr. each tagging and releasing
blue marlin in the 200lb+ category. And we wound up jumping
off one more.
Day 2 the weather and conditions were perfect and we had
lines in the water for less than an hour when we had a bite
from a blue marlin which promptly jumped off. We didn't
have long to wait before we hooked up to a marlin in excess
of 400lbs which put on quite a show for the first 10 minutes.
Faryt had his hands full as the fish pulled off 400 yards
of line on her initial run. After 20 minutes of hard work
Faryt had her close to the boat but she wasn't done and
began a long run. As luck would have it after 45 minutes
we pulled the hook. The big one got away! But that's what
keeps you coming back and we are looking forward to their
We are in for a few days and then begin a long stretch lasting
until the middle of July with very few open days. We do,
however, have some prime dates available and with the way
the season is shaping up anyone interested in marlin fishing
should contact me soon. We have July 6th-12th and
July 20th-31 available and any of these dates will produce
good action. So until my next report
Tight lines
Captain Ross'Flash'Clark
242-479-0085March 24th, 2008
It has been quite some time since our last fishing report
and the reason is we have been fishing practically everyday.
The bite is the best I've seen in my 4 years experience
here on Rum Cay and the best my employer , Dave Cummings,
has seen in 12 years fishing here.

Arriving on Super Bowl Sunday Dave started
fishing the next day. Good friend and part time island resident
Buz Gardiner also arrived shortly after Dave and the games
began. Without detailing each day's catch we have been filling
the fish box almost everyday with dolphin, tunas and wahoos.
Buz had some great catches with a 76lb. yellowfin tuna, a
48lb dolphin and numerous wahoos over 40 lbs. On one day he
caught 14 dolphin and a tuna filling the fish box and working
on filling the under deck ice hold.
The billfish have made a strong showing
early in the season which is very encouraging to see this
soon in the year. We have released 3 white marlin and have
very skillfully eluded quite a few more once again being humbled
by them. And just yesterday with just Dave Cummings and myself
on the boat I took a 'bussman's' holiday and caught a blue
marlin. This is the first one I personally caught in over
10 years!
The Outdoor Channel's show, World Class Sportfishing, featuring
Rum Cay and the Relentless aired over the last couple of months
to good reviews and response. Angler Mark Berry along with
hosts Captain Peter Wright and Sue Vermillion arrived to a
good marlin bite and Mark caught and released his first blue
marlin, which as you know, is quite an accomplishment. As
a result of the show we have received quite a few inquiries
and have booked a number of trips for this coming marlin season
but there are a few good dates left so for those of you who
are interested in coming to our island paradise and catching
blue marlin, please get in touch. So until the next report.....
Tight Lines,
Captain Ross"Flash"Clark
The Bahama Islands have produced
over 50 world record catches. The flats and deep waters
of the Bahamas are suitable for beginners and sportfishing
enthusiasts alike. WIth over 700 islands and countless reefs,
banks and fish holding edges, the waters here are teeming
with life. Deep sea, blue water charters, fly-fishing, top
water action, insane billfishing... it's all here at Rum
Cay. Relentless Sport Fishing Charters can get you on the
fish virtually year round for game fish like: Marlin, Dorado,
Wahoo, Bonefish, Tuna, Kingfish, Amberjack, Sailfish, Shark,
Permit... truthfully too many to list!
Below you'll find a condensed Bahamas fishing season chart
that will give you an idea of what we catch and when the
best months are for any given game fish species.

Longtime friend and frequent Rum Cay angler, Dana Murphy (above), landed some quality wahoo on his latest trip to Rum Cay, Bahamas. These hoo's made it to the dinner table after our own Bobby LaRue worked some of his magic in the kitchen. Nothing better that some fresh fish !!

So, what do you do after catching and releasing a nice big
Blue Marlin in the Bahamas? You take the plunge… even
if it's with the help of a few of your friends!

Above are just a few photos from late May and early June
to tease you all with! The Tuna bite has been great with
Dorado and Wahoo filling out the mixed Game Fish bite. Big,
healthly Blue Marlin are cruising the waters off Rum Cay
and Relentless has had plenty of raises and releases to
give our recent guests, like Mike Nestico and friends, good
reason to smile! Hope to see you soon in Rum Cay to share
the thrill of Bahamas sport fishing with you too!!

Above are a few photos of Patrick and Scott Rubsamen's recent
trip with friend, Mike Pedsotti. The trio made the most
of our island paradise by spending their days surfing and
fishing the pristine waters of Rum Cay. We'd like to thank
the boys for the great time we had with them and look forward
to their return later this summer.
Blue Marlin season is just around the
corner, so why not take a cue from the Rubsamen crew and
your Bahamas Sport Fishing Vacation now before
we're all booked up!

RUM CAY & Relentless Sport
Fishing were on television!!
IGFA Angler's Digest made a special trip down to Rum
Cay in April and filmed with us for two days. While we didn't
raise any marlin, we did have some terrific action on Dorado,
Wahoo, Big Barracuda and a Yellowfin Tuna – the Tuna
came up head only as we watched a tiger shark eat just about
the entire body in a single bite.
For more information about IGFA
Angler's Digest, visit their website.
If you'd like to purchase a DVD that features RUM CAY fishing
with Bill Boyce and the IGFA Angler's Digest crew, visit
their website and take a look at their 3 DVD set or single
DVDS with Rum Cay fishing aboard Relentless.